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38 generic raptor herbicide

PDF United States Environmental Protection Agency Washington, D.c. 20460 Rapto~ herbicide will provide resid­ ual activity of susceptible germinating weeds. Activity on established weeds will depend on the weed species and the location of its root system in the soil. A timely cultivation after a Raptor application may improve general weed control. Raptor Herbicide | BASF Ag Products | Agworld DBX | Greenbook alfalfa alfalfa, established alfalfa, seedling bean, great northern bean, navy bean, pinto bean, red kidney bean, snap bean, dry (all types) chicory cowpea cranberry bean, lima, dry pea, english pea, field pea, dry pea, southern pea, edible pod soybean clover, for seed bean, adzuki bean, pink bean, white/small white bean, black turtle soup bean, …

Pursuit® Herbicide - BASF Pursuit ® Herbicide. Growers are looking at the most proven herbicide around: Pursuit herbicide. With Pursuit, you'll get proven, relentless control of the toughest broadleaf weeds and grasses, including nightshade, for a wide variety of crops. Labels & sds. Document Downloads.

Generic raptor herbicide

Generic raptor herbicide

Raptor Herbicide -Raptor Herbicide 4-6 ounces per acre -Must add 80% Non-Ionic Surfactant 1Qt per 100 gallons of water. -Must add Ammonium Sulfate at 3lbs per acre. -Raptor is ok to use on clover plots containing chicory. -Nitro Surf is a product available that contains both surfactant and Ammonium Sulfate already premixed for your convenience as well. Imox (generic Raptor) anyone use it on clover? - Habitat-Talk Can you spray imox/Clearcast/raptor more than once a year? TERRESTRIAL RESTRICTIONS DO NOT apply more than 1 pound of imazamox acid equivalent (1 gallon) per acre per year. DO NOT exceed 2 applications of Alligare IMOX Herbicide per year. Minimum Retreatment Interval: 14 days Page 2, second column Home - Label Database - CDMS Raptor® herbicide. BASF Ag Products IMAZAMOX 241-379. State Availability Yes No Not Specified This information is for reference only. It is the responsibility of the user to verify the product is registered and appropriate for use in a given state. Labels / SDS ...

Generic raptor herbicide. PDF Raptor­ for Use Only in Soybeans GENERAL I!'IrORMATION RAPTOR® herbicide is effective in controlling weeds in conservation tillage and conventional production systems. RAPTOR can be applied early postemergence in soybeans but before the bloom stage. Refer to the specific treatment under the " APPLICATION INFORMATION" section of the label. 5 Herbicides Every Deer Steward Should Know Glyphosate is a systemic herbicide, meaning it is absorbed by the plant and carried to the root system, killing the whole plant, so the weeds must be actively growing at the time of spraying. Glyphosate does not remain active in the soil, so it will not prevent additional weeds from germinating. Raptor® | ADAMA Australia Raptor can be safely applied post-emergence to legume-based pastures, lucerne, field peas, peanuts and soybeans. Short grazing withholding period Raptor has a grazing withholding period of just seven days, minimising disruption to grazing. Active Ingredients Imazamox 700 g/kg Formulation Type Water Dispersible Granule - WG Key Targets Barley Grass Stigmata - Atticus LLC Stigmata is a selective herbicide that delivers excellent season-long control of the annual and perennial broadleaf weeds and woody brush that can infest crops including sugar beets, corn, and barley. It is especially effective on clover, thistle, kudzu, and ragweed but is also formulated to maximize crop safety.

Raptor - BASF herbicide 241-379 Product Information Raptor herbicide, a soluble liquid, is a postemergence herbicide to control and suppress many broadleaf and grass weeds and sedges, as listed in this label. The mode of weed-killing activity involves uptake of Raptor by foliage and/or weed roots and rapid translocation to the growing points. Beyond® Herbicide - BASF As part of the proven Clearfield Production System, Beyond herbicide adds simplicity and convenience. In wheat, Beyond herbicide helps to control more than 40 tough grass and broadleaf weeds like jointed goatgrass, downy brome, Japanese brome, and mustards. And it's one of the industry's best options for managing feral rye. PDF Herbicide Names - University of Arizona Generic (Y/N) Protein Synthesis Inhibitors Other Trade Names imazethapyr Pursuit Y Thunder imazamox Raptor Y Beyond, Clearcast, Clearmax imazapry Arsenal Y Imazapyr,, Ecomapyr, Rotary, Chopper, Lineage, Habitat, Polaris ... Herbicide Names B. Tickes 1-11 . MCPA MCPA Y Agrisolutions MCPA Amine, MCPA Amine 4, Nufarm Rhomene, Riverdale ... : ALLIGARE Imox Herbicide - 1 Quart : Patio, Lawn & Garden This item: ALLIGARE Imox Herbicide - 1 Quart. $82.00. In Stock. Ships from and sold by Seed Ranch. Get it Sep 14 - 16. Whitetail Institute Imperial Clover Deer Food Plot Seed for Spring or Fall Planting, Promotes Antler Growth and Attracts Deer, Heat, Cold and Drought Tolerant. $37.72. In Stock. Ships from and sold by

Reichman Sales & Service | Reichman Sales & Service At Reichman Sales and Service, we pride ourselves on our repeat business. Our local customer base grows stronger and stronger simply by word of mouth that is passed from farmer to farmer. Reichman Sales has built a positive reputation with the local farmer as a way to save money and still get a quality chemical program for their crops. Preemergence Herbicide Application Timings: Pros and Cons Preemergence herbicides are the foundation of herbicide-based weed management systems, and effective use of these products is essential to protect crop yields and reduce selection pressure for herbicide resistant weeds. In a perfect world, applying preemergence herbicides immediately after planting would provide the greatest likelihood of maximum performance, but equipment and labor ... PDF HERBICIDES, TRADE NAMES, AND TARGET SPECIES - US Forest Service 1 EPA Registered Herbicides Available for Control under Proposed Action - Alternative 1 (Alternative 3 Proposes Using Only 2, 4-D, Picloram, Dicamba, and Glyphosate). Ammonium sulfate, an adjuvant, can also be effective as an herbicide on tall larkspur. Appendix G - Herbicides, Trade Names, and Target Species Page G - 1 Herbicides | Iowawhitetail forums Raptor herbicide is used for alfalfa, clover, chicory, beans and peas. It is very expensive per gallon but not per acre. ... Spur herbicide is a generic version of Stinger for broadleaf and thistle control in corn, brassicas, prairie grasses and tree plantings.

Morris Grain Company • Generic Chemicals Generic Price. Unit Size. Accent (Dupont) Nicosulfuron. primero/nicosh. 10 oz. $17.50. Per oz. Ally Xp (Dupont)

Food Plot Herbicide Cheat Sheet - All in one grass and weed control in pure stands of clover, clover/chicory stands, and alfalfa food plots can be accomplished with Raptor herbicide. Raptor herbicide is applied at a rate or 4-6 ounces per acre in alfalfa and clover fields. For best results, a non-ionic surfactant must be added into the tank mix along with nitrogen fertilizer.

Established clover, postemergence grass and broadleaf control imazamox (Raptor) + bentazon (Basagran 5L) Oregon and Washington only. Rate 0.04 lb ai/A (5 fl oz/A Raptor) + 0.25 to 0.5 lb ai/A (0.4 to 0.8 pints/A Basagran 5L). Time Apply when crimson, red or white clover has at least two trifoliolate leaves and most weeds are 1 to 3 inches tall. Imazamox applications to clover grown for seed must be made before bloom.

Agricultural Chemical Solutions, Inc. - Pesticide Prices Pesticides Price List (click name for Label) 2 4 D LV4 by NuFarm. $41.35 - $42.70 / gal. Price Details. 2 4 D LV6 by NuFarm. $40.60 - $45 / gal. Price Details. A-Zox 25SC by Sharda. (Generic substitute for Quadris®) Arrest Herbicide PetraTools Blue Herbicide Lawn Dye - Super Strength Concentrate 3X More Than Others, for Herbicides, Fertilizer & Weed Killer - Blue Mark Spray Indicator for Home and Commercial Sprayer Use (8oz) 588 $1699 ($2.12/Fl Oz) $15.29 with Subscribe & Save discount Get it as soon as Wed, Sep 14 FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon

Imox Herbicide - 12.1% Imazamox - 1 Quart (Same AI as Raptor, Octivio ... Imox Herbicide - 12.1% Imazamox - 1 Quart (Same AI, Replaces Raptor, Clearcast, and Beyond) We now carry Octivio, same active ingredient and is ag labeled for use in alfalfa/clover. Also available in Gallons

Imox (generic Raptor) anyone use it on clover? - Habitat-Talk Believe the moa of raptor is an als inhibitor. Was one of the first chemicals used in the industry. Alot of species have developed resistance. There r very few chemicals we can use in established alfafa an raptor is one. Thing is if your only getting a 60 percent kill and spending over $20 an acre in chem, makes it a tuff sell.

Octivio Herbicide - 1 Gallon (Generic Raptor with Ag Label, same as ... Addition of nitrogen fertilizer (Nitro-Surf) may improve weed control but also increases the likelihood of injury to chicory. Customers who bought this product also purchased... Reviews Specials Notifications Octivio Herbicide - 1 Gallon (Generic Raptor with Ag Label, same as Imox)

Aquesta 4 F - Atticus LLC Aquesta™ 4 F pre-emergence herbicide with extended residual control suppresses hard-to-manage broadleaf weeds, grassy weeds and sedges before they take hold. The PPO-inhibitor mode of action in Aquesta 4 F sulfentrazone herbicide is highly effective on resistant weeds, causing rapid necrosis and desiccation of emerging growth.

Midwest Ag Supply - Chemicals There's no better choice for conventional soybeans than Raptor® herbicide. Raptor is a unique post-emergent herbicide designed for growers who prefer the yield potential and disease resistance of conventional soybean varieties. ... Silencer, the premier generic lambda-cyhalothrin, provides fast knock-down activity in over 50 crops including ...

Home - Label Database - CDMS Raptor® herbicide. BASF Ag Products IMAZAMOX 241-379. State Availability Yes No Not Specified This information is for reference only. It is the responsibility of the user to verify the product is registered and appropriate for use in a given state. Labels / SDS ...

Imox (generic Raptor) anyone use it on clover? - Habitat-Talk Can you spray imox/Clearcast/raptor more than once a year? TERRESTRIAL RESTRICTIONS DO NOT apply more than 1 pound of imazamox acid equivalent (1 gallon) per acre per year. DO NOT exceed 2 applications of Alligare IMOX Herbicide per year. Minimum Retreatment Interval: 14 days Page 2, second column

Raptor Herbicide -Raptor Herbicide 4-6 ounces per acre -Must add 80% Non-Ionic Surfactant 1Qt per 100 gallons of water. -Must add Ammonium Sulfate at 3lbs per acre. -Raptor is ok to use on clover plots containing chicory. -Nitro Surf is a product available that contains both surfactant and Ammonium Sulfate already premixed for your convenience as well.

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